To provide technical, operational and administrative leadership for the efficient and effective performance of the human resource development and training functions of the Service.


  1. Provides input for the formulation and review of policies.
  2. Ensures the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes and guidelines for the Directorate
  3. Exercises oversight responsibility for the efficient and effective management of the human resource of the Service
  4. Ensures the efficient and effective management of the human, material and financial resources of the Directorate
  5. Ensures the development and implementation of human resource management policies, systems and manuals for the Service.
  6. Ensures the organisational design and HR planning of the Service
  7. Ensures the interpretation and advises on HR policies, rules and regulations
  8. Ensures the effective management of the Fire Academy and Training Schools
  9. Collaborates with relevant stakeholders for the development of curricula for the Fire Academy and Training Schools
  10. Collaborates with appropriate stakeholders for the accreditation of facilities and training programs
  11. Ensures the conduct of examinations and interviews for promotions of staff of the Service
  12. Ensures the development and implementation of policy guidelines on staff Academic Progress Report from Training Institutions
  13. Collaborates with relevant Directorates on personnel compensation issues.
  14. Ensures the development and maintenance of an effective Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) for the Service
  15. Coordinates, monitors and reviews the Training and Development policies and plans for the Service.
  16. Ensures the evaluation of the Service’s work culture and recommendations where appropriate
  17. Ensures the management of grievances
  18. Ensures discipline and implementation of disciplinary processes and procedures in the Service
  19. Ensures a conducive work environment, quality of work life, equal opportunities and respect for personnel rights in the Service
  20. Ensures the development of mechanisms for recruitment, placement, posting, succession planning and the smooth exit of staff.
  21. Ensures the preparation of budget and work plan for the Directorate.
  22. Ensures the preparation of annual and other periodic reports of the Directorate.
  23. Coordinates the implementation of the Performance Management System of the Service.
  24. Supervises and appraises the performance of immediate subordinate staff.

  • Designation : Director Human Resource Development & Training